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Pergunta 1: Qual é o maior clube de futebol do Nordeste, Bahia ou Sport?
Resposta: Para responder a essa pergunta, podemos analisar algumas estatísticas. Até o momento, o Bahia possui um total de 74,4 milhões de torcedores, enquanto o Sport conta com 48,1 milhões de apoiadores. No entanto, se considerarmos o histórico de confrontos entre os dois times, descobrimos que houveram 41 jogos, com 14 vitórias do Bahia, 13 do Sport e 14 empates. Além disso, o Bahia marcou 67 gols a seu favor e o Sport fez 64. Assim, é difícil decidir com base apenas nesses dados, e a escolha pode depender das preferências pessoais.
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  • Legend has it that chess was invented around 200 B. C. by a commander, Hn Xin, who invented the game as a battle simulator. Soon after winning the battle, the game was forgotten, but it resurfaced in the 7th century. For the Chinese, Chess was invented by the mythical Emperor Shennong or by his successor, Huangdi.
    The game of chess was born in India during the Gupta dynasty in the 6th century. Today, more than 1500 years later, it is played in 172 countries. Chess is one of India's contribution to world culture, with games played in the court of kings, to those played in villages, and now, is a professional sport.
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